Man taking a hearing test
It takes, on average, 7 years for an individual with significant hearing loss to get around to getting a hearing aid for the first time. During these years, the individual’s brain adapts to not hearing well. Hearing can be thought of as a muscle which becomes weak if not exercised.

A proper hearing instrument fitting process can be thought of as ‘physiotherapy for the ear’ – Audiologists call this process aural rehabilitation. A diagnostic audiological evaluation is an essential first step in the process.

If a hearing aid trial is chosen, it must be appropriately selected, programmed, verified and validated over a 2-3 month trial period. During this time period, the brain gradually begins to learn to hear the sounds that it has been missing. The instrument must be adjusted in a gradual way to suit personal preference. Like any muscle, some choose to exercise gently, others prefer a more vigorous workout!

When a hearing instrument is purchased at our clinic, we include our services for life. We believe this is important because aural rehab is usually not completed over 2-3 months. In many cases the auditory system is strengthened over a period of years. In addition, hearing may change over time and these changes must be accounted for in the programming.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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