Safely Removing Earwax

Earwax provides an important function by keeping dust and dirt from entering the ear canal. Your ears are designed to regularly clean themselves by pushing earwax out. Usually, wax will eventually go away on its own. Sometimes, though, earwax can build up or get pushed back against the eardrum and need more attention.

Will Impacted Earwax Go Away by Itself?

If you have impacted earwax, you shouldn’t try to remove it yourself because your efforts may push wax in further or lead to an ear infection. At one of Resonance Hearing Clinics in South Vancouver Island, we can help you remove the earwax safely. Call or text 778-401-3687 today for an appointment.

How Can Resonance Remove Earwax?

When it comes to the safe and effective removal of earwax, there are three methods that can be used: microscopic suction (microsuction), curettage and/or irrigation.


Microscopic suction involves suctioning “vacuuming” the ear canal while visualized under a microscope. Microsuction does not involve the use of water and therefore is less messy than irrigation. It can also be significantly quicker and more comfortable than other methods. Because the ear canal is visualized during the entire process and there is little if any contact with the ear canal, it is considered a much safer method of earwax removal. There are a couple of disadvantages of microsuction such as loudness and the inability to retrieve wax that is sitting on or near the eardrum.


Curettage is the method of removing earwax using small tools specifically designed for the job. We have a variety of loops and picks that we use to gently maneuver the wax from the canal, and micro alligator forceps that we use on more stubborn earwax or foreign bodies.


Irrigation is probably the most familiar method of wax removal to most people. It involves flushing the ears with clean, warm water to wash the earwax out. The tools used for this method of wax removal have been improved upon since the days of the big old stainless-steel syringe. Although there are better methods in most cases, irrigation is still a useful way to get the wax out, especially for deeply seated earwax that is close to the very delicate eardrum.


At each of our Resonance Hearing Clinic locations, we have all three methods available to use. Most importantly, our clinicians have the education, experience and skill to know which particular method (or combination of methods) to use for each individual’s ear. Call or text 778-401-3687 today for an appointment.

Will Cleaning My Ears Stop the Ringing Sound?

Built-up earwax can cause and aggravate tinnitus, so it’s important to have the wax removed. This can be done by one of Resonance’s hearing professionals. If removing the wax doesn’t alleviate the ringing, a full hearing evaluation at one of our clinics is recommended so that we can more fully investigate the problem. 

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