Do I Need a Hearing Aid?

We almost never tell a patient they need a hearing aid. We focus on the diagnostic assessment and explaining and illustrating the results. We answer any questions and will give advice on the chances of whether a hearing aid will significantly help or not. We strongly believe in trial periods because we believe the ‘proof is in the pudding’. At the end of those trials, the patient is in a good position to answer for themselves as to whether or not they need a hearing aid(s).

Why do Hearing Aids Cost so Much?

This is a loaded question! There are several parts to the answer. Firstly, hearing instruments can cost from many hundreds of dollars to a few thousand dollars. Our lowest cost hearing instrument is currently $975. The reason we can’t get it any lower is that a) we only dispense quality hearing instruments and b) we bundle all of our services into the initial price of the hearing instrument. We provide lifetime service for all of our hearing aids – we test hearing every year, reprogram and service the hearing aid for as long as you want to keep it. As for higher end models, cars provide a good analogy. Our job as Audiologists is to get our patients from Point A (hearing loss) to Point B (hearing well again). Whether one wants to travel in a basic car or a Ferrari is a personal decision that depends on philosophy and budget.

What Is an Audiologist?

Audiologists are trained to diagnose, manage and treat hearing or balance problems for individuals from birth through adulthood. Audiologists are trained at a post-graduate level; they have received an Au.D. (Doctorate in Audiology) and/or a Master’s degree from an accredited university graduate program in audiology. Audiologists are the most qualified professional to assess hearing. The advanced training, at a University level, makes Audiologists uniquely qualified in the prevention, identification and treatment of hearing loss.

What Should I Do About Wax in My Ears?

Earwax is produced in the outer 1/3 of the ear canal and is actually a mixture of wax, oil, skin and hair. Do NOT run and get a Q-Tip!! Q-tips can push wax deep into the ear canal and/or scratch sensitive skin. For most people, earwax is helpful – it acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent and comes out on its own with the help of clean water in the ears during a bath/shower. For some, earwax accumulates, blocks sound and needs to be professionally removed. In our Cobble Hill office, we employ a variety of techniques including suction, irrigation and manual instrumentation. 

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